Tommi Space


Typography is a wonderful world, hidden in plain sight. Here there are some resources for inspiration and study.
A premise: I have a fetish for Typography. I really do. I often find myself tweaking font faces when instead I have much more important and urgent things to take care of, or I spend a long time watching super technical videos and documentaries on the history of design and visual representation of writing. I wonder how would it be if I chose it as my main interest, alto at a professional level. Nevertheless, I love it, and by checking the insights below, you might be struck by its power and beautiful effectiveness, too.

Steve Jobs about the value of Typography


  • Smelvetica, a funny customization of Helvetica by [Tim Holman]( ‘Tim Holman’s website’).
  • Inter, a wonderful Open Font by Rasmus Andersson.
    Update 3rd December 2020: I will never stop loving Inter and using it everywhere
  • Merriweather, the serif font I use on this blog (not anymore), it’s designed by Eben Sorkin.
    Update 3rd December 2020: I’ve been deluded: like Playfair Display, it feels AWESOME at the beginning, it then gets itchy and bothering after a while.
  • Graphik, Sans Serif
  • Garamond is the most widely used and loved font in the italian publishing industry, and to me it’s the best serif font for narrative writing. EB Garamond is its renewed, open, digitally friendly alternative, and I use it when I want to use serif in my blog. Its designer is a great guy

Custom Font

  • define a font name
  • cutting the leg of xs
  • sideways cutting of letter’s legs

Font subsetting

In order to make pages load faster, there are ways to drastically reduce a font file size, by basically removing unused glyphs.

pyftsubset Inter.ttf \
  --unicodes='U+0020-007F,U+00A0-00FF,U+2013-204A,U+2150-215F,U+2190-2199,U+21A9,U+21AF,U+2200,U+2203-2209,U+2211,U+221A,U+2325,U+232B,U+2318,U+237A,U+25E6' \
  --layout-features='' \
  --flavor='woff2' \